5 Best Reseller Hosting Providers
If you’re a company or an individual looking to expand your online web services to include web hosting services too, then a reseller hosting plan can be an alternative solution to developing your own infrastructure. With a reseller hosting plan, you can easily add web hosting services to your existing or future online business, especially if you lack the infrastructure of a web hosting company. Reseller hosting plans are particularly popular among web design agencies and other digital service providers who want to offer their customers web hosting services as well. As a means to avoid sending them to third-party companies, they can offer them hosting services either as a separate product or as part of a package deal. This can be more convenient for customers who can have access to everything at the same company, and it’s also a way for web companies to generate extra profit.
A reseller hosting account is somewhat similar to a managed VPS in the sense that it comes with server resources and several pre-installed software. A great feature of reseller hosting plans is that they can be rebranded and customized. You can come up with your own control panel look, server names, you can add your logo, you can sometimes choose the features you want to provide to your customers, etc. Reseller hosting providers also include access to a billing software to help you better manage accounts and clients.
How to choose a reseller hosting provider for your web hosting business?
Before adding web hosting services to your existing web agency or before launching your own web hosting company with the help of reseller hosting plans, you’ll need to consider several factors. First off, you need to make a quick evaluation of the server resources you will need and the number of plans you intend to resell. Next, see if the reseller hosting provider facilitates aspects concerning client management, billing, rebranding, customizing the control panel, etc. Further factors to consider are the possibility to upgrade your plan and whether around the clock support is also included, or whether you have the possibility to resell domain names and SSL certificates. Like with any hosting plan, uptime guarantees are also crucial. It also doesn’t hurt if the reseller package includes several other features like free site builder, access to templates, free website transfers or other useful features.
Some top of the line web hosting companies will provide free SSDs, free cPanel, and free eNom license for reselling popular TLDs, gTLDs and SSL certificates. Prices for reseller packages are determined by the number of hosted websites, disk space, bandwidth, and other included features. Depending on these factors, the price for these plans can be as low as $14/month or as high as $100/month.
If you don’t have a clear overview of the resources that you will be needing or the number of domains you’ll be hosting, you can opt for a reseller hosting plan that providers hosting for unlimited domains and allows you to scale your hosting resources. This way, you don’t run the risk of not meeting your clients’ requirements.
In our next segment we will review the reseller hosting plans of the best 5 hosting companies. We’ll take a look at the features included with their plans and also focus on pricing matters.
Best Reseller Hosting Providers
The following 5 hosting companies are some of the best in the business, offering not only the best reseller plans in the industry, but also excellent shared hosting, VPS, or dedicated hosting plans.
InMotion Hosting
InMotion Hosting’s reseller hosting program is hailed by many web hosting review sites as one of the best in the business thanks to their industry-leading hardware, scalability and powerful support. Their SSD reseller hosting plans are easy to manage, they include free cPanel, and are conveniently priced.
All plans include free WHMC billing software for better customer management and easy billing, free SSD with up to 20x more performance than traditional HHDs, free eNom licenses so you can resell domain names and SSL certificates, free dedicated IP, automatic data backups every 24-36 hours, up to 30 free cPanel transfers, private name servers, SSH Access, unlimited domains/websites allowed, free domain included, 24/7 support and free Softaculous with over 310 applications.
There are three reseller hosting plans offered by InMotion, configured as follows: R-1000S costs $13.99/month and comes with 80 GB disk space, 800 GB monthly bandwidth, and free dedicated IP. The second reseller plan is the R-2000S, which costs $19.99/month and has 120 GB disk space, 1,200 GB/month bandwidth, and dedicated IP. The last plan is the most powerful in terms of resources, and it includes 160 GB disk space, 1,600 GB/month bandwidth, and of course dedicated IP. This plan is called R-3000S and costs $27.49/month. The prices listed for reseller hosting plans are now 50% off, so regular prices are higher. All 6 and 12 month plans come with 90-day money-back guarantee.
GreenGeeks is another reputable hosting company with five reseller hosting plans that include hundreds of features, and the possibility to control which features you provide to your customers. GreenGeeks will also provide you free migration services, 100% white label hosting platform, free eNOM domain reseller account, free website builder (RV Site Builder), 30-days money-back guarantee, free Spectaculous (1-click automated application installation tool), 99.9% uptime guarantee, SSH Access, SSD, RAID-10 Storage Array, free nightly backups, 24/7 monitoring, real-time security scanning, PHP caching for faster page load times and plenty of other features.
You can select from 5 different reseller hosting accounts as follows: Seed for $19.95/month with 50 GB web space and 500 GB bandwidth; Sprout for $24.95/month with 80 GB web space and 800 GB bandwidth; Plant for $39.95/month with 120 GB web space and 1,200 GB bandwidth; Tree for $59.95/month with 160 GB storage and 1600 GB bandwidth; and Forest for $99.95/month with 200GB web space and 2000 GB bandwidth.
All plans come with unlimited cPanel accounts, provisioning in the US or Canada, and 30-days money-back guarantee.
Our list of the best reseller hosting providers also includes HostGator, whose reseller hosting plans come with great resources, powerful tools, flexibility and possibility to host unlimited domains, subdomains and unlimited email accounts.
HostGator offer three reseller hosting plans and allow you to run your business anyway you want. All plans include the WHMCS and WHM Autopilot Client Management tool and billing software, up to 30 free website transfers, more than 400 brandable video tutorials for your clients, private name servers, brandable client panel (cPanel), 45-money back guarantee, 99.9% uptime guarantee, free reseller club account, weekly off-site data backups, 24/7 server monitoring and support.
Reseller hosting plans offered by HostGator include the following three plans: Aluminum, Copper and Silver. The smallest plan, the Aluminum, comes with 60 GB disk space, 600 GB bandwidth and unlimited domain hosting. Its price starts at $19.95/month. The middle-tier plan is the Copper plan, which has a starting price of $24.95/month, and includes 90 GB disk space, 900 GB bandwidth and possibility to host unlimited domains. The most powerful plan, the Silver, includes 140 GB disk space, 1400 GB bandwidth, and the possibility to host unlimited domains. This plan it currently 58% off costing as much as the Copper plan, that is, $24.95/month.
As your business grows and develops, so do your reseller hosting needs, which is why HostGator allows you to easily upgrade.
As a web hosting company, Site5 are known for their responsive customer support, consistent uptimes and feature-packed hosting plans that come with 45-days money-back guarantee. They are also one of the oldest hosting companies around, being in operation since 1999.
Their reseller plans offer you all the tools for becoming a professional web hosting reseller, without disclosing (anonymous domain names, anonymous DNS servers, etc.) your clients that you are a Site5 reseller. They offer three fully anonymous reseller hosting plans – Starter, Standard and Premier. All plans include 3 IP addresses, custom DNS name servers, free backups, 99.9% uptime guarantee, domain reseller account, free billing software, cPanel/WHM included, malware protection, 1-click script installs, SSH Access, shared SSL certificates, etc.
The Starter plan costs $23.95/month (50 GB disk space, 500 GB bandwidth, unmetered resold accounts), the Standard plan costs $33.95/month (80 GB disk space, 700 GB bandwidth, unmetered resold accounts), while the Premium plan costs $49.95/month (120 GB disk space, 1000 GB bandwidth, and unmetered resold accounts).
Our list of the best reseller hosting also includes ASmallOrange’s reseller hosting plans, which use enterprise class server hardware (Intel Xeon E5 Dual Hex Core processors and SSD storage in redundant arrays), custom access (full FTP & SFTP, phpMyadmin database management, SSH access, etc.), 99.9% uptime guarantee, Softacoulous script installer, daily backups, IP-blocking, password protected directories, hotlink protection, email security and filtering tools, scalable plans.
As some of the above discussed hosting companies, ASO also offers three reseller plans that are created with different target customers in mind. Thus, the Small plan that currently costs $6/month is ideal for designers or individuals that are at the beginnings of their web hosting business. The plan includes 20 GB storage, 250 GB bandwidth, hosting for 30 websites, and 24/7 support. The Medium plan is now on sale and costs only $10/month, and it’s aimed at businesses who are looking to migrate their clients to a better host. The plan comes with 25 GB storage, 500 GB bandwidth, hosting for 50 websites, and 24/7 support. The last plan is the Large plan available now at the discounted price of $14/month, and it’s created for growing web designers or agencies. The Large plan comes with 50 GB storage, 1500 GB bandwidth, possibility to host 100 websites, and of course, 24/7 support.
Becoming a hosting reseller is easy thanks to hosting companies that offer 100% white label reseller plans, state-of-the-art infrastructure and hosting environment, customizable control panel, free backups, and all the tools you need to succeed with your business. While you’re still starting out and testing the waters, you don’t have to choose the reseller plan with the most resources. You can wait to see if your business takes off, and you can upgrade later to the plan that meets your new requirements.